Baby Outdoor Series Blind Bags |My Sylvanian Families, Calico Critters
Baby Outdoor Series comes with a blind bag containing a baby figure and an outdoors-themed accessory. The toys are fun to both collect and play with.
What will you find iside the bag? You won’t know until you open it! There are nine types, including one secret figure.
Baby Outdoor Series contains an outdoor-themed accessory and a baby figure in a blind bag. We can create cute outdoor adenture combine with Adventure Tree House, Lakeside Lodge, Family Campervan, Baby Ropeway Park or Baby Hedgehog Hideout.
Baby Outdoor Series contains Chocolate Rabbit Baby with treasure chest (top and bottom) and bracelet ; Walnut Squirrel Baby with hat and map ; Koala Baby with rucksack; Milk Rabbit Baby with flag ; Silk Cat Baby with baby bike and hat; Marshmallow Mouse Baby with marshmallow; Caramel Dog Baby with fishing rod and fish ; Cihuahua Dog Baby with water bottle.
(source : http:/
My video its all about Sylvanian Families!
Sylvanian Families is a unique and adorable range of distinctive animal characters with charming and beautifully detailed homes, furniture and accessories.
They live, work and play in the idyllic and wonderful land of Sylvania.
In USA Sylvanian Families are called Calico Critters.
Sylvanian Families ( Shirubania famirii) is a series of anthropomorphic animal figures. They are made from plastic and fake animal fur. They were started in Japan in 1985 by Epoch, but they are now sold worldwide. Many books, DVDs and TV series have been based on the characters. The characters were originally woodland animals like bears, rabbits and hedgehogs, but now other animals such as penguins, meerkats and elephants have been added into the mix. The word sylvan means “forest” in Latin.
Sylvanians were origanally set in Japan in the 1950’s most of the families are rural middle-class with many luxuries and local buisnesses. They have many leisure activities such as horde riding, rowing and hosting garden parties. The simple caravan means that they can enjoy short stays onholiday. This means that they can be away from their house whether it is a small cottage or a multi-storey town house.
In Japan there is a giant life size Sylvanian Families village, including a bakery with real bread based on the bread in watermill bakery. You can meet life size Sylvanian characters and go in life size houses made from the models themselves.
(source : Wikipedia, )
Backsound : “cute”