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Darrell is enjoying scarring me by sleeping in the dead bunny position.

Darrell is enjoying scarring me by sleeping in the dead bunny position.

by jules039


  1. jenjijlo

    I have one that does this all of the time. Me: Peep? Peepster?! (Runs to his side) Peep, buddy? (An ear twitch) You little jerk!

  2. Accurate_Quote_7109

    A perfect DBF (dead bunny flop)!!!!🥴

  3. Professional-Bowl413

    I don’t have time to be scared when this happen because one breath out of me and she would be wide awake giving me the side eye

  4. Dakotasan

    Between rabbits and ferrets giving their owners heart attacks with dead sleeps, I’m convinced they deserve to be in a genus all their own. Call it the “dickhead” Genus XD

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