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Upset because I had to put him to bed early so I can go replace the laptop cord he decided break. Unfortunately my professor thinks I’m just making things up.

Upset because I had to put him to bed early so I can go replace the laptop cord he decided break. Unfortunately my professor thinks I’m just making things up.

by Ottermom2165


  1. KSTornadoGirl

    You can just tell he is plotting revenge…

  2. Twisted-Willow

    I went through 5 laptop cables, 3 WiiU GamePad cables, and 7 earbuds by the time my Lionhead was 3 y/o. He *just* kept finding them! Giving *juuuust* enough of a nip so it would short-out a bit before refusing to work, anymore. Often times I couldn’t find the cut in the black cable for weeks!
    Luck with your studies!
    How old is your bun? They go through behavioral changes like humans can. The terrible twos are absolutely a thing. c’: He could also just be disagreeing with your professor’s workload (more attention, plz!)

  3. Ottermom2165

    I should be done with my homework tonight, but my bf and his kids will be here and they upset the poor guy with their loudness and whining. (He’s very emotionally sensitive) any arguing, whining, crying, slightly raised voices and he lets you know that’s enough by thumping his foot until you stop 😂 (the exact reason he’s my ESA). So unfortunately, he’s stuck in his cage another day or two 😞

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