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she loves the bed I made for her, but then she also likes to lay in her poops. Look at this face… 🤣🧡

she loves the bed I made for her, but then she also likes to lay in her poops. Look at this face… 🤣🧡

by ThisMachineKillsGods


  1. Necessary_Ad7215

    She is ADORABLE 🥰and I love her sm. My Californian rabbit also likes to nap in her poops 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. MyBunnyIsCuter

    That faaaaaaaaaaaaace 😍😍😍😍😍

  3. borgchupacabras

    Omg the sploot in the second picture!!!

  4. Blue_Moon_Rabbit

    This pulled an actual audible ‘awwwwwwww’ out of me.

  5. ThisMachineKillsGods

    Oh my goodness, thank you, kind redditors, for the awards! That’s so sweet of you. I’m glad you all are finding some joy in photos of my silly Toast. 🧡

  6. DagaVanDerMayer

    This is a definition of “comfy” <3

  7. Adventurous_Bid7431

    I’m in love with the nose 💓💘

  8. [deleted]

    Those first two pictures made me giggle. Look at her goofy little face and squishy cheeks!
    Also where did you get your hay feeder?

  9. FeelingSupersonic-

    That FACE! Bun can do no wrong in my eyes!!

  10. lamamama11372

    I love all the photos, but especially the first one!!

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