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Ergonomic mouse

Ergonomic mouse

by craymle


  1. Accurate_Quote_7109

    Day 3: the hooms still haven’t realised that I secretly replaced their “mouse”, with ME!!😁

  2. borgchupacabras

    That dangling leg adds to the ergonomic feature.

  3. Isn’t that an upgraded mouse, a sploot I think it’s called? 😛

  4. WindowShoppingMyLife

    Not a mouse. Similar, but that’s definitely a bun.

  5. _darknetgirl95_

    The best kind! Major stress reliever too 😅

  6. [deleted]

    Sorry but I don’t think that’s a mouse?

  7. RaZer LopFireBunDeathSnek. “For peak performance in slow and easily pausable games.”

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