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I found this slug. What do I do with it?

I found this slug. What do I do with it?

by colblair64


  1. greenrosechafer

    Provide pets and treats, maybe a banana. Stare at its adorable fluffy feets. 😍

  2. MyHusbandsFarts

    Bow down and be conquered. Also get ready for night time slug zoomies.

  3. ImnotBsianImAsian

    Lie down next to cute slug on floor and pretend you’re also a slug

  4. violentmauve

    The only way to get rid of this type of slug is to sprinkle pellets on it. Get it before it eats your garden.

  5. [deleted]

    Feed it bananas to quell the pyromaniac tendencies of the potassium burn-slug.

  6. pastelkawaiibunny

    Slugs love garden veggies! Romaine lettuce or carrot greens especially 😀 after careful application of greens, you will be allowed to pet slug :3

  7. Hellcat-13

    Clearly you need to smoosh it with love and kisses.

  8. yazzerz1987


  9. You pet it, of course! I heard carpet slugs like banana too 🍌

  10. caro_kat

    Fun fact! Both the slimy and fluffy kind (pictured) of slugs enjoy bananas!

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