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by Dizzzyyyyyy


  1. greenrosechafer

    Sometimes a bun needs to have their internal organs compressed for a bit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. Shoe_Bunny

    You’re not allowed personal space, hooman

  3. SirRaiuKoren

    Ah, I see you’ve developed Bun Leg. It should go away on its own, but you can speed up the process by applying vigorous pettings followed by spreading pellets on a line leading away from the leg.

  4. Bunnnnii

    That one part of your leg I imagine it be so warm. Hot even.

  5. pastelkawaiibunny

    Wow, first known case of a bun phasing through a human! This is a brilliant scientific discovery for all of Bunkind!

  6. OstentatiousSock

    He’s so much fluff it looks like he’s missing a chunk.

  7. thisisthewell

    It amuses me that his back isn’t even raised over your leg. Buns are like cats—liquid

  8. Staar-Fall

    He likes you and doesn’t want you to go anywhere so he pinned you down ^w^

  9. ChiStormshot86

    So not only are r/catsareliquid apparently so are buns

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