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He stayed like this for an hour completely unbothered.

He stayed like this for an hour completely unbothered.

by K5RN


  1. princesspissfingers

    “*Am tortle now*”- him, probably

  2. Bunbon77

    Very precious!! Looks so soft, sweet, and absolutely silly!! Must’ve felt comfy and safe!

  3. pastelkawaiibunny

    That fat bunny butt sticking out πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Thebunshouse

    β€œIt’s called fashion hooman”

  5. Hot_Lemon8733

    bun was comfy. the tube was the safey safe.

  6. Pungkomgatagatindog

    awww that is soooo cute 😍😘🐰😘😍

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