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Chips once again encounters a wild rabbit 😂

Chips once again encounters a wild rabbit 😂

Chips once again encounters a wild rabbit 😂
by u/SquishyThorn in Rabbits

by SquishyThorn


  1. Fabulous_Kale_2718

    Great post, just wanted to say I hope that there are no illnesses passed and that you should consider vaccinations for your bun if you are able to. Best of luck!

  2. JohnnyGeniusIsAlive

    That fence looks remarkably low. My bunnies would be over that in about 10 minutes.

  3. eksmith1

    Wild rabbits have fleas, ticks, myxomatosis etc. Keep them away from each other

  4. Spuzzle91

    Wild rabbit looking at yours like “are you a fairy? Or a mythical creature??”

  5. Is that a good thing? I vaccinate my rabbits here even though they are inside rabbits.

  6. _thatunodude_

    Love this! Where did you guys get that fence for them if I may ask? Looking to make more space for my buns’ outdoors time. Thanks!

  7. TwoWelshBunnies

    I wonder what Chips said to the wild rabbit? Probably “Got dandelions?”

  8. fetszilla

    Hazel on the look out for more rabbits to join his warren?

  9. ShoujoSprinkles

    Wild bun wants to know how to get in on this house pet gig.

  10. tenkohime

    They’re so cute it hurts! You can really see the difference in body types here.

  11. PrintAndPlaid

    “Grass is greener on the other side of the fence. And guess what? I’m on that side. U mad bro?”

  12. SpoopsandBoops

    This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 🥺

  13. Storm101xx

    I really hope your rabbits are vaccinated… I wouldn’t be encouraging wild rabbits around yours as even vaccinated rabbits can catch mixy Rhvd etc. cute video potential disease risk aside…

  14. terra_terror

    OP, please get a higher fence and make sure your rabbit,’s vaccinations are up to date. I’d hate for anything bad to happen

  15. voodoodog23

    That’s so cool that you captured this.

  16. Lexitar123

    Is it just me or could those bunnies definitely jump over that if they wanted to?

  17. It_Must_Be_Bunniess

    Is he playing or running him off his territory?

  18. FuckMeRightUpSideway

    If not friend? Why friend shaped?

  19. Toubaboliviano

    “What is it like to roam free as far as you like with no cages? To live off the land and be one with nature, to have no warden to keep you in a gilded cage?”

    “Bro I legit almost got run over a car, and a cat hunts me relentlessly, but it’s cool. “

  20. BombeBon


    but check for fleas and ticks and keep Chips safe.

    looks cute but… not that wise.

  21. MandyMarieB

    That fence is way too short 🙁 A bun could totally jump that!

  22. That wild rabbit is staring at a unicorn right now. 😂

  23. Retro-Squid

    Be very careful of the number of diseases that wild buns can have.

    I was always super paranoid of people who have been walking where wild rabbits might have been in case they track anything dangerous for them into my home…

    Things like:

    * Myxomatosis.
    * Viral hemorrhagic disease
    * Encephalitozoonosis (Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection)
    * Pasteurellosis (Pasteurella multocida infection)

  24. Clog-Monet

    This is interesting to watch but I can’t help but be worried about how tiny that fence is. Either of those rabbits could easily hop it and try to fight, mate, the wild rabbit could spread fleas, ticks, or illness to the domestic rabbit. Also not to mention how any other predator could easily get in. I hope the rabbits are only outside supervised.

  25. Etrigone

    We used to have a wild rabbit visit our back yard & our boons would watch it through the sliding glass door. Big Max and his little gf Flash were curious, although in her case she seemed a little unhappy. We like to think the wild rabbit was all “Oooh, big boy, so handsome… who’s the old lady?” (Max was 4-ish, she was 8+ or more).

    She was a dwarf and still a little bigger than the wild rabbit, but let her displeasure be known about that “hussie” trying to steal her man. *Stomp stomp STOMP!*

  26. cut_n_paste_n_draw

    I really hope your bun is vaccinated against RHD.

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