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Update on Abandonded Bunny I took in Memorial Weekend.

Had her (I think) in a pen in another room for about five days. Shared items to transfer smells. Then i had her in the pen in the room with my bonded pair so they can see each other and eat / interact near each other for about a week. Kissing & grooming happening between bars was good sign. Yesterday I let them all interact face to face. My original female ran right up to her and began kissing her. My male chased & mounted a little , but nothing violent. Four hours later, best friends.

by onlyletters999


  1. gardenongrace_

    Omg! This makes me tear up!! I am beyond thrilled that she went to such an amazing home! I didn’t know what I was going to do with her and am so grateful that you came and got that sweet angel. What a lucky bun, she seems thrilled with her new siblings, getting kisses, snuggling and having fun! Thank you for taking the best care of her. I can’t get over how cute they all are together!!! So nice that there are a lot of animal lovers out there, warms my heart.

  2. No-Mechanic-5398

    They are so freaking cute! I love how they are all a similar look and size.

  3. shelbs_225

    Thank you for rescuing this sweet bun bun!!🙏 I’m glad things are going well and that everyone is getting along!! 😊🩷

  4. TennisObsession

    You and u/gardenongrace_ are amazing for rescuing and caring for Harley!

    Here’s to the new three musketeers!

  5. House_of_the_rabbit

    Omg you got a fluffle! I’m glad the bonding went well and a bit jelly that I can’t get my four bunnies bonded like that!
    What a beautiful addition!

  6. A_NonE-Moose

    Sounds like some grade A bunny whispering went on there, well done 😄

  7. flawandordersvu


  8. Fun-Meringue3620

    That’s a brilliant story, hope they continue on the right path together.

  9. missyrainbow12

    With the markings she looks just like she’s the missing family member. It’s so lovely to see them all snuggled. You are a good human.

  10. rosepoppy1

    So cute I just want to cuddle them 🥰

  11. ThisIsBerk

    Woah I thought there was a mirror at first. They look so similar!!

    I’m glad it all worked out ❤️ What a gorgeous fluffle you have.

  12. Gloriathewitch

    this is so beautiful i’m glad they’re getting along well!

  13. NightOwlsUnite

    Bless u both for coming together to get this bun a home. I love this story. I want a book or a movie of this saga lol. It looks like it was meant to be❤️ OP, I want updates and I’m positive I’m not the only one. Those of us who were here from the beginning are invested❤️

  14. SeasonedFries8


  15. Medical-Funny-301

    Sometimes I think I should stop going on Reddit because it makes me so sad to read about dumped animals, bunnies getting killed by dogs, etc.

    Seeing an update like this changes my mind. It’s wonderful to see people who care and bunnies living their best little lives. Thanks for rescuing Harley and posting this, OP.

  16. wolfie_angel

    Awh bunny trios have a special place in my heart ❤️ they are beautiful! X

  17. kookookachoobro

    Omg I can’t believe it that what looks like their sibling just found you all and wants to stay. So sweet.

  18. tonythatiger_26

    Awe this is so amazing ! Now you have triplets ! I love them so much 😍💕 just so awesome

  19. SupermarketOld1567

    YES!!! i remember the original, ugh, she? is living her best life 🙂 you’re a wonderful hoom OP

  20. Bhrunhilda

    That is crazy fast bonding. It was meant to be.

  21. orange_airplane

    Omg thank you for the update! She fits right in 🥰 I’m so glad she’s doing so well. Thank you for giving her the home she deserves. She’s so lucky she ended up with you!

  22. Deesgurl70

    What a lovely bunch!! So happy to hear such a great ending and now a new beginning!! Lots of love and hugs to all your buns!❤️❤️❤️

  23. WholovesOrangesoda_

    Looks like they’re sharing the latest gossip xx

  24. ThomistGrill

    How does one just find a Lop like that 😩
    Y’all are so lucky!

  25. AppleSpicer

    The Cinderella story of bonding! Congrats on your new bun!!!

  26. elliebeans90

    That’s so sweet! I’m glad you guys found each other.
    Wish your bunnies could have a chat to my little terror of a Mini Lop because I got my second bun over a month ago and she still takes to her in face to face introductions. Yours must be so sweet to bond in a matter of days.

  27. TheShadowsSoldier

    She looks like a calico lop the rabbit rescue I volunteer with has

  28. agnurse

    Awwww, your existing buns have adopted her into their group! So sweet!

  29. Mycroft033

    How is there so much cuteness in one post?!

  30. jordynithink

    These updates are probably the most wholesome thing i’ve ever seen. 🥲🩵

  31. BunniesKickPaws

    This is so perfect, seriously meant to be. 🥰

  32. Clear-Education-8816

    Congratulations — I don’t hear much about three bunnies getting along, let alone bonding! They look a lot alike. Where did you get your bonded pair? Maybe they’re related. A friend told me about bringing home an English Bulldog rescue that happened to be from the same litter as her dog. Her dog sniffed the newcomer and suddenly went bonkers from excitement.

  33. Unhappy_Addition_767

    What a happy ever after bunny story! Looks like it was meant to be! Your one bunny looks like it could be siblings with your new addition!

  34. animevveeb

    This is such a wholesome post omg – I’m so glad a happy ending came about from this ! Both of you guys (the one who found the bun and you who took it in) are both superheroes in my eyes !!! May good karma come to you always ❤️

  35. Look at those three gorgeous lops hanging out together.

    I don’t know who it is that abandons their pets, but those of you who take them in are my heroes. These buns look like they’re going to get along fine in time. I hope they bring you lots of joy, OP, because you’ve giving that animal a happy home and family.

  36. biscuit-witch

    She looks like she always belonged with them ❤️

  37. Accomplished_Net8661


  38. magstheghoul

    Awwww this is so sweet 🥺 it’s like your bunny duo knew Harley had a rough time and needed a new family ❤️❤️

  39. Felonious_Minx

    It was meant to be!

    Throuple! 😉

  40. biemmeup

    Soooo precious 😭😭❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing!!

  41. Absolutelybannannas

    Bless you for doing this. Curse the horrible human who dumped an Easter bunny

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