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Why is she circling me like this!? thats so cute omgggggg!

Why is she circling me like this!? thats so cute omgggggg!

Why is she circling me like this!? thats so cute omgggggg!
by u/NineNinetyNine9999 in Rabbits

by NineNinetyNine9999


  1. tiny_speechy_bunny

    That’s a rabbit’s way of trying to get attention as if to say “hey! Look at me!!!”

  2. lizalupi

    If she’s not spayed yet, it can also be “i wanna have bunnies with you”. And a lot of baby female bunnies turn out to not be female 😄

  3. Suspicious_Recipe571

    Definitely a sign of hormones if unspayed

  4. protossw

    She loves you and want to spend time with you

  5. AnacondaMode

    Yeah mine does that as well as chases me around which is great. Your bun love you!

  6. Maxplode

    mine dashes under and around my feet, it’s cute but he’s probably trying to kill me

  7. Environmental-Dig298

    It can also be a sign of lonliness if she doesn’t have a bunny friend.

  8. RoyalConsistent

    It won’t be cute when she starts spraying. This is a mating thing.

  9. tayvan23

    It’s a mating behaviour and she will start to spray urine on you!

  10. stonedscubagirl

    aww she’s telling you she loves you!! what a sweet baby 😭

  11. proxima987

    She loving you…but it could be an enchanting circle and she’s gonna sacrifice you

  12. happylilpea

    my bunny does this! he is a male and neutered, so I don’t think this has anything to do with the bun possibly not being neutered. it’s a sign of love & attention 😊

  13. I think that’s the rabbit equivalent of “mom mom mom mom mom mom”

  14. ellevael

    If she’s unspayed she’s trying to mate with you, if she’s spayed she’s playing and wants attention. But it’s probably the first one 😅

  15. dumbstupidlosershit

    she’s happy to see you, most likely, or she wants attention 🙂 its great she loves you so much 👍🏻

  16. kannettavakettu

    My bun does this when he’s just having a good old time and he’s full of energy, being all playful. I always try to come up with something to do with him when he does this, play with him or pet him or find him something to sniff at and satisfy their curiosity.

    Usually what he likes to do is have a little run with me and explore some closet or cupboard he normally doesn’t get to go into. Sometimes he does this when I’m cleaning, because it’s exciting for him to see all the big stuff get moved around. I always let him have a look at everything I’m doing if he’s hovering around. He likes having every object shown to him so he can have a sniff at it with his eyes wide.

    Any time I get a package he does this and we open it together on the floor, I show him everything and tell him he got it in the mail because everyone likes him so much. The life of a little bunny in a big world.

  17. Unknowinglyodd

    She’s loves you. She wants treats or probably both ❤

  18. TheOneQueen

    Congratulations. You have met the bun’s approval. …And/or she is dtf.

  19. Crystalpluto

    My male rabbit did this when it was food time or we walked into his room and he wanted a treat. We were trained well lol

  20. archfapper

    Aww!! My bun does this to greet me when I get home (or when she wants extra treats or rat scratchies)

  21. Foxaria

    Mine did the same thing and then when the leg humping started was when Zoë became Jasper ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)

  22. Fluid-Television9503

    Her brain: attention attention attention attention now please

  23. Original-Guess-6723

    Mine does this when she wants treats 😂😂

  24. AnInnocentGoose

    I don’t know what the behaviour is, I’m just here to say your bun is very cute!

  25. Sgt_Koolaid

    Are they fixed?

    Yes: henlo fren, I like you

    No: hey hot stuff, wanna make more bunnies?

  26. Nightshade_Ranch

    Even if it’s hormones, they don’t do it to just anyone. She’s excited to see you specifically.

  27. Alive_Ad_8295

    Whatever you do, don’t move! A bun-rex can only see u if u move

  28. Raeziel59

    Trying to cut an hole under you to make you fall with a delay on gravity. Classic bunny behavior

  29. Legovogerl

    She’s practicing for her motorcycle license

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