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That’s certainly one way to solve the puzzle.

That’s certainly one way to solve the puzzle.

That’s certainly one way to solve the puzzle.
by u/lc504503 in Rabbits

by lc504503


  1. Saberdtm

    We have the same puzzle. Luckily our rabbit does it the long way.

    However I did buy a slow feeder bowl because he has choked on his food before by eating too fast. He got frustrated with the slow feeder bowl and flipped it like yours flips the puzzle

  2. chupirose

    I have the same one. I turn the lids over so my girl can grab the edges of them (Thank you Daniel – Acceptable_World). My bun loves to toss and chew on the lids after eating her treats. Your bun is adorable 🐰

  3. If violence does not work, you did not use enough violence.

  4. Acceptable-World-175

    Mine have exactly the same toy, and some have the same idea as yours! 😂 very efficient, but not quite the way I planned it. Adorable! 😊🐇

  5. LeporidEverywherElse

    This is why I won’t buy these types of toys. My bunnies already throw everything around. (They lift very fast and then let go. Sometimes they’re lucky and it flies for a few cm/inch and sometimes it just falls down.)

  6. Cosmonaut_Cockswing

    Mine has these little stacking cups I’d fill with hay, fruit, greens etc. Was cute to watch him flip each one over to get to the next bowl. Then he learned that he can just knock the whole thing over.

  7. orange_airplane

    Ain’t nobody got time for that 😂

  8. pastelkawaiibunny

    Your bunny takes Alexander’s approach to the Gordian knot. Very clever, worthy of great leadership!

  9. Sea-Expression-1133

    Screw hoomans and their stupid games. Give me the nom noms!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. VeryIncompetent

    I know for a fact my bun would do this if we gave him one, which is why he doesn’t have one

  11. nottoospecific

    My dog has had this puzzle for months and still hasn’t figured out that this is the fastest solution.

  12. the_rabbit_king

    This puzzle hack will save you minutes!

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