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He has a full water bottle

He has a full water bottle

by ClnclyDprsd420


  1. TestyZesticles91

    Besties always hydrate together

  2. upcountryhermit

    Bowls are easier and get more water in the bun

  3. BoultonPaulDefiant

    Bunnies prefer bowls, I sometimes give my bunny water from a glass

  4. temporary_egg_

    We give our rabbits their own water bowl, they’ve always preferred it and I think they get better hydration that way too. Can have as much as they like quite quickly and don’t have to deal with flow issues. Plus easy to keep clean!

  5. phrawggie_ron-8277

    my cats have a waterfall drinking bowl and my rabbit drinks from it like hes never had water before

  6. Andrea_frm_DubT

    Bowls are better than bottles.

    Bottles are hard to drink from AND cause tooth damage and misalignment

  7. Complete-Hornet-5487

    Bowls are better and more natural for rabbits to drink from. Bottles can not only build up bacteria in the nozzle but they can also dehydrate your bun since they cannot get enough out

  8. RedRider1138

    But Moooom, this one’s more *fuuuuuun!*

  9. Educational_Safe_339

    Still that big dog could turn on that bunny 🐰 even a cat 🐈 wouldn’t have near a rabbit

  10. Futter1024

    Rabbits drink as much as a small dog in a day. They need bowls and not bottles. Hamsters get bottles… look at the size difference.

  11. HowToNotMakeMoney

    What an attention whore. So cute. I’m glad he has a doggo friend, too.

  12. itrashcannot

    Woah that black one is a huge rabbit! What breed?

  13. uherris

    My bunny will also bully her older bigger dog brother.

  14. It_Must_Be_Bunniess

    Yeah, and he clearly likes drinking out of a bowl, not a stupid straw that gives four drops that was developed for hutches holding bunnies for meat. Dude.

  15. TheRealComboz

    People talking how Rabbits prefer bowls over bottles… My 2 buns absolutely despite waterbowls…

    When they get to free roam our living room there is waterbowl for them… They will go HOURS with out even drinking a drop and in theyr cages they drink every 10min sometimes even every 5

  16. witchhazel32

    My large breed dog drinks the rabbits water…

  17. Lucid_Cadaver

    Hey! Friendly reminder that those bottles are trash, and terrible for your bunny! They promote dehydration and water avoidance due to how annoying it is to get the water. Just give your fluffy guy a shallow bowl and he will be happier for it!

  18. sritanona

    I don’t think water bottles are the best. Might be time to switch to a bowl

  19. No-Ice-9234

    I have a cat bowl for my bun and he drinks more water than me I swear

  20. Vast-Philosophy4108

    Rabbits should not drink from a bottle.

  21. doorknoblol

    Those bottles are quite terrible for keeping bunnies hydrated, which most commenters have already stated. Not only that, but they’re more likely to get dirty and potentially cause harm in the future, especially since they’re harder to clean than bowls. There is quite literally no world where a water bottle is better for your bun or easier to manage than a bowl.

  22. stargirlsandra

    which explains exactly why your rabbit would rather drink out of the dog bowl …… you should know by now rabbits don’t use bottles.

  23. Venturerweegee

    But see, this is the fun water source. It’s popular among the dogs even! That means it must be better than some stinky old water bottle

  24. Do you know what the rabbit breed is?? He looks just like my girl

  25. Lopsided_Aspect5868

    He’s a social drinker! 😂😂

  26. Josephc42

    Give your bun a water bowl with a rubber bottoms so that it won’t slip. Water bottles suck

  27. Party_Possession_786

    Bunnies Must Be Protected 😟

  28. ultibun

    Our bunny has a bowl and loves it. Do you have tips for the dog and rabbit getting along? We just got a pupper and need to decide the best approach…! 🙂

  29. Estate_Soggy

    But that’s where his friends are !! 🥹

  30. alexann23

    A bottle isn’t enough! Get him a bowl or fountain of his own. Rabbits of that size drink as much as a 20 lb dog. You know you’re doing it right when you have to refill their water bowls daily. 😉

  31. sugarcorn

    I adopted my rabbit when he was five years old. He had used a water bottle all his life. I provided him a water bowl maybe a week into having him, along with his usual bottle. He definitely vastly prefers bowls. I can see why too. He was drinking so enthusiastically the first time around. I think it’s more instinctive for them.

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