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PLEASE HELP!!! something is wrong with my rabbit 😭

shes 2 and a half years old and shes been tilting her head to the left. whats wrong 😭 im so scared 😭😭😭 im gonna make an appt first thing in the morning but want to know if any other bunmoms or dads know what is going on

PLEASE HELP!!! something is wrong with my rabbit 😭
by u/Silly_Emu5088 in Rabbits

by Silly_Emu5088


  1. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Probably nothing but make an appointment just in case

  2. MegamuffinChip

    I would be worried that it’s EC and you should probably talk to your doctor about it… If we are being optimistic, she could just be falling asleep

  3. pinguineis

    Could be the first symptoms of EC. Take her to the vet ASAP.

  4. Bunz_Account

    Looks Like EC (E.Cuniculi). Take your rabbit to vet asap so you can get medication to deworm the poor guy. I think the meds I had for my bun was Panacur. They can get disorientated causing them to fall over and hurt themselves.

  5. Linus-doesnt

    Ear infection can also cause nystagmus

  6. workinguntil65oridie

    EC, look at their eyes for signs

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