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Is this normal rabbit behaviour?

Feet and thighs attract him for some reason

Is this normal rabbit behaviour?
by u/DerpyJee in Rabbits

by DerpyJee


  1. Horror_Astronomer_76

    Awww it means he loves you!

  2. happybunnybb

    My bun does this with everyone she loves! She will try to lick you every time you sit.

  3. riding-the-wind

    Rabbits are all different in terms of personality, value and guarding of personal space, how they display affection or other emotions, etc.

    Sure looks normal for your bun! What a baby!

  4. jar4ever

    Ours will run around your feet as you’re walking, have to be careful not to step on her.

  5. Vertigobee

    Using you like a throne? Yeah pretty normal.

  6. My friend had bunnies and birds; they’d groom each other but would let each other know by sort of lightly side-body bumping them like this and then start snuffling it was adorable

  7. cayirus

    I swear people come here to ask about whether their rabbits behaviour is normal and it’s the most heartwarming shit, y’all just wanna show off!! I’m jealous! A literal lap bunny 😭 (your are your buns property now and have to provide seating at their command)

  8. hernoa676

    it means you have been chosen by the buynny, rejoice

  9. 4rm4ros

    That’s not your bun, that’s your bud

  10. My bun does this to my fiancé and I every time he wants our attention and he’ll keep standing on us till he gets it.

  11. possum-majik

    Our rabbits would do this if they were on an expanse of hard floors, because they don’t feel safe without grip, so they would rush for any other surface they could find. Does your rabbit have access to any carpet, or is it just the tiles?

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