My bun just lost his sibling on Wednesday morning. He and his other friend were living with the sibling he lost in deplorable conditions for several weeks. They have been with me since Wednesday afternoon.
I am particular worried about the bun who lost his sibling. His appetite seems ok but he looks extremely depressed and seems to have low energy. His friend also seems to have low energy. They are approx 7 months now. Do they suddenly decrease in energy around this age or should I be worried?
I took them to the vet and she didn’t find anything wrong with him apart from his teeth. One of them broke. I will insert the X-ray.
She said I should consider having them removed in the coming weeks.
They honestly both look extremely traumatized. I am really worried about them.
by _Step5793
Are the buns bonded together? Or were they just living in the same home environment?
They can be mourning too. Are they both neutered ? At this age, hormons can give them the will to fight eachother.
I think if he is still living with another rabbit it probably isn’t depression. Maybe try putting something new in his play area like boxes and see if they are just bored.
Maybe try feeding a different brand higher quality pellet.
Situation hasn’t fully developed
Distract him. Bother him. Get him to move around l even if it’s by annoying him.
Spend time with them sitting on the floor. Tear up some cardboard. Offer a digging box, or a towel to dig at. these are just some suggestions to see if/ what he will respond to. Just switch it up and see what reactions you get. The broken tooth is probably bothering him and they will hide their pain. Can you try a different vet or ask the first one why no antibiotics?
Also, he may have been bonded with the one who passed, they could have all been bonded. Try a stuffed animal. If it’s only been a short time since they moved from deplorable conditions they might still be adjusting. How do they do with treats, like a small piece of banana or apple?