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Have you ever seen such huge blueberries?

by lara_lara24


  1. TestyZesticles91

    Those are regular bluebs just a tiny hoomin 😆

  2. Gaskychan

    Giant Blueberries are real but can’t hurt you because bun is on the case

  3. Bunbon77

    The meal fit for bun royalty!! So precious!! I bet your bun was so excited!! Any back twitches??

  4. XNjunEar

    Are they wild? Or just genetically manipulated berries? Do they have any flavour? I ask because in some places some commercially grown fruits like strawberries are tetraploid and huge but have poor flavour, especially compared to the minute but super flavourful wild variety.

  5. Dowager-queen-beagle

    My brain literally cannot compute that third picture!

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