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My rabbit has large bald spots behind his head on his back, is this something to be worried about?

I just got him neutered about a week ago idk if this is related. The bald spots aren’t red and he is happy eating and drinking normally.

by Prior_Translator_839


  1. twistyfizzypop

    Is there any sort of flaky skin? That could be a type of mite causing the bald patch

  2. starrywinecup

    Is there dirt in the fur? Take some time to closely look, if so that’s flea dirt and your bunny has some fleas

  3. Gravortz

    Mine also has it near the neck. But she compensates with having too much hair elsewhere. Depending on season it’s more or less visible. Nothing to worry about if the hair has never grown there anyway. 🙂

  4. this happens to my lionhead every winter, it’s just shedding

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