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What are some things you wished you knew about rabbits when you got your first one?

Hi! I’m a brand new bunny mom who picked up her holland lop just about 2 weeks ago (he’s almost 3 months old now). I’ve never had a bunny before (only thing close were the hamsters I had when I was a kid), so I was wondering if there was anything you guys wished you knew before taking care of a bunny!

I also have some questions:
1. My bunny has recently started chewing on his hutch at 6:00 in the morning. I think he wants to come out and run around for a bit, but I still want to supervise him when he runs around in my room. Would attaching a play pen to his hutch help with that?

2. Have you found a way to stop your bunny from burrowing into the carpet? He likes to dig at it (not eat it from what I’ve seen), and while this can be cute and it won’t be cute when I move into my new apartment in the fall lol.

3. I don’t plan on getting another rabbit, and I definitely don’t plan on getting a female rabbit. Should I get him neutered and if so, how old should he be when I go?

4. How soon did you take your bunny to the vet after you got him/her? I want to take mine in for a check-up (just to make sure I’m doing everything right and he’s doing okay), but I also want him to be a bit more comfortable with him holding him before I go (I can tell he likes me but we haven’t officially “bonded” yet).

Thanks for the help guys! His name is Mr. Darcy 🙂

by TheFurrBall1

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