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Help! My little boy bunny has been sneezing a ton and I just saw a white blob of snot fly out during a sneezing fit

My 4-month-old bunny Bean has been sneezing a lot over the past 2-3 days. He’s fully vaccinated and never leaves the house except for the two vet visits he’s had – the last one being 2 weeks ago.

I have two other rabbits, another boy from the same litter and a 11-month-old female. All the bunnies are separated until they’ve been neutered, but Bean and his brother Toffee are in side-by-side enclosures while Cinnamon is in her own enclosure on the other side of the room.

So far, neither of my other two rabbits have been showing any sign of illness. All rabbits have their free-roaming time separately but in the same area, so they share a lot of the same items. I just had Bean hanging out with my husband and I on our bed when he had a sneezing fit, sneezing about 5-6 times before a huge blob of white snot flew out. I immediately googled it and it sounds like it could be Snuffles.

I’m extremely worried – I love all my babies to death and my vets office isn’t open again until Monday, and I’m not even sure I’ll be able to get him in that day. What should I do until then? Is there anything I can do to keep him comfortable and slow down the illness? Is there anything else it could be, like allergies? The sneezing and white snot are the only symptoms I’ve seen in him – his nose doesn’t appear to be running, he’s eating and pooping just fine, his eyes look normal, his energy levels are the same. Any advice is appreciated!

by ToffeeBean24

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