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Can I add a non neutered male to a pair of bonded and spayed female rabbits?

My bf and I have 2 female rabbits. They are both about a year old. We got them from a man who had them in a small cage on the side of the road. He told us they were Holland lop dwarfs and sisters. They are our children and we adore them.

I went with my bf to his family’s fourth of July party. At the party a family friend came up to us and said they heard we have 2 bunnies. I of course started telling her all about our babies. She then asked us if we wanted a third rabbit (and all his stuff). She has a 6 year old male Holland lop. She had gotten 2 rabbits from a 4H fair for her daughter. Her daughter did genuinely love them both but ended up developing a serious allergy to hay. One of the rabbits passed. Now the other rabbits is alone in a (big) cage. The family friend said she feels bad that he’s all alone but doesn’t want to risk taking him to a shelter. Her husband wants to give the rabbit to a neighbor so it can live outside. I asked her of the rabbit was neutered. She said no and that the lady they got him from said her rabbits (that she breeds) had a 50% chance of dying under anesthesia. The family friend obviously didn’t take that risk to neuter him.

My bf and I are seriously considering taking in this boy. He is adorable and apparently super sweet. We are worried about our girls though. Can we add a male rabbit to 2 bonded females? Our girls are spayed but he is not neutered. He is 6 and seems like too much of a risk to neuter. Will he just try to constantly mate with our girls? I don’t really want to put our girls in that position. We also don’t want to breakdown our girls bond and end up having them fight. The male rabbit is 5 years older than our girls. Will that cause issues? Can this work or is it not possible to add him to our family? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you ♡

Picture of my two girls as bunny tax ♡

by mypersonalmind

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