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by superjackalope


  1. Unhinged-Bunny

    That is some Harry Potter fuzzy bendy straw shiz going on there. Impressive…..unless they are broken. Are they????

  2. Meteorite42

    Well the void bun looks comfy enough.

    Not sure about flexi-bun tho’.

  3. Unhinged-Bunny

    I must come over and inspect them. I will take them away for you. 😬 Floof Brigade is currently knocking on your door. Please answer before Floof Brigade climbs in your window to remove all “broken” buns🫠

  4. Some_Random_Android

    Looks like black bnnuy body slammed white bnnuy into cage, and white bnnuy was just okay with this.

  5. sharkpistols

    the playpen wire on the white bunny makes them look like a little caterpillar with legs! so cute. ☯️

  6. saltypasserby

    And they say rabbit spines are so fragile πŸ˜‚

  7. beenawayawhile

    The little feet! πŸ₯° I thought white bun might be uncomfortable β€˜til I saw the little feet kicked out.

    Buncomfortable βœ…

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