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This is Mozzarella. He loves to lick my nose then instantly go pee on the couch every day like clockwork.

Hi everyone,

Mozzarella is about 8+ months old now. I adore him with every fiber of my soul.

He’s always been a little bit destructive but he’s gotten so much better recently.

The new problem is that he’ll come over for affection. Snuggle under my hand, chatter his teeth, lick my nose….and then proceed to pee on the couch instantly. There’s a waterproof blanket there now…after many couch cover washes.

He’s got access to his litterbox still, literally a foot away. It gets cleaned fully every 2-3 days.

I know rabbits peeing can be a territory marking things or some sort of claiming me as I sit by it…which I’m flattered but also confused by it.

Any tips to refocus his attention without losing his affection?

Thanks so much.

by Charliecss

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