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The inequities you live with when you love a rabbit

So ever since adopting a rabbit last Nov., I noticed a few things that probably don’t make much sense to my non-rabbit-loving friends…

1 – when I grocery shop, if I come home with 10 items, 9 of them are purchased solely for rabbit consumption (even if edible to humans);

2 – if organic produce isn’t available or reasonably priced, I opt for nonorganic for myself, but the rabbit gets organic no matter what;

3 – I put more thought and research into my rabbit’s diet and exercise than I do my own, so my rabbit is at his ideal weight, while I’m at…. Well, let’s just leave it at that. lol

4 – lb per square foot, my rabbit owns more reality in my home than I do;

5 – I have more ‘back up rabbit litter’ stored in my bathroom closet than I do actual toilet paper (and his is probably of better quality!);

6 – my Apple Music account only allows for one device to play music at a time, so I opt to play subpar playlists downloaded to my phone so that while I am at work, my rabbit can have music streaming on the home Echo device;

7 – if I purchase something from Amazon for myself and it doesn’t quite meet my expectations, I just live with it. Anything purchased for the bunny must be met with full approval or it gets shipped back, immediately;

8 – I have left my outdoor ring camera without a charged battery for over 6 months now, but I just purchased a petcam on Amazon Prime Day this past week so that I can check in on the bunny;

9 – The thermostat in my house is set to a cool 72 degrees F, despite the fact that I am more comfortable at 75 and am thus forced to walk around my house in bulky sweaters and socks;

10 – I haven’t given much thought to who is going to take care of me in my old age, but I do worry who will take care of my rabbit if I pass before he does.

And yet, I could never repay my rabbit for the unexpected joy he has brought into my life.

My friends just shake their heads and smile, thinking: “Crazy rabbit lady.”

I guess the world is just divided into two groups of people: those who love rabbits, and those who…. Well, let’s just leave it at that. 🐰

by JoyfulRabbitOwner

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