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New bunny suddenly starts to attack our other bunny

(Pic is after one of their fights)
So we got ourselves a second bunny, Nada, who is a girl and 4 years old, after one of our old bunnys had died and we didn’t want to keep the remaining bun bun, Mino a 7 year old boy, alone, so we got Nada from like a rescue farm and the first few weeks went well, they got along pretty quickly but around 2 weeks ago Nada started to attack Mino, it happend around 4 or 5 times, the last time was today, Mino doesn’t even want to go into the play pen anymore cause Nada is always there but I had to clean their cage so he had to go out, not even 30 seconds later Nada attacks him and only stops after my mom and me interfered.
We’re planning on giving her back cause we just can’t let her keep attacking Mino, who we raised since he was a small bun bun so when it comes down to who we’re keeping, it’s always Mino, but I’m just wondering how and why Nada suddenly changed so much and if there is another way from stopping that except giving her away?

by Soul0408

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