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Question about introducing new bunny to another new(ish) bunny?

Hi there! Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just want some clarification on the way to go about this 🙂 So, I’ve just received the sweetest 2 year old (spayed) male lop from a friend who couldn’t keep looking after him. I haven’t even had him for a week but he’s immediately super cuddly and loveable, already grooming me whenever he has the chance (super cute, but very ticklish hahaha). The only thing is, he’s never bonded with another bunny and has always been kept alone. I’ve owned him for the last 7 days, and want to get him a friend so that he’s not as lonely, but I’m just wanting a bit of advice on how to do so. I’ve held off getting him a buddy so that he’s not stressed out with so much change already going on, but he seems to be settling in very well and quickly. Would it be better to get him a younger female rabbit as soon as I can so that he’s not as lonely when l’m not home, or leave him to settle in a bit more? If I were to get a younger female, should she be old enough to already be spayed? If so, should she be around 7/7 months, or the same age as him at 2 years? We have a spare room which could be a neutral territory for the both of them to start the bonding process, but l’d much prefer to have them both in my room where Billy has been for the last few days if that’s at all possible (not betting on it haha). Thank you so much in advance! In return, enjoy this pic of the man in question, William “Billy” Afton :3

by SuqarPillz

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