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Advice: ideas for keeping my naughty girl’s mouth out of her friend’s meals?

Hey! My second post here! So I’ve recently started taking care of these two lovely ladies after my friend had to re-home them. I’ve noticed that Elio (black and white) is much more assertive than Yoko (brown) and frequently attempts to drive Yoko away from food.

Yesterday, I tried to separate them during feeding time and give each of them their portion separately, but that produced poor results – Yoko refused to eat anything and tried to get back to Elio, while Elio finished her meal and proceeded to gnaw on the bars of tge enclosure where I put her during this time.

Tonight, I tried to handfeed each of them their portion of pellets, which might seem kinda drastic but I was improvising. The results were poor as well – after a while, Yoko decided that, surely, Elio must be eating something different and better, and then they both started eating from the same hand.

Elio is a rather assertive little beast when it comes to food, and while my friend assured me that the vet said that she’s in great shape during her last visit, that was some time ago and in the meantime, both of the gals spent 3 whole months in a cage (BEFORE they got into my care – a friend of the previous owner was taking care of them during those months, I have been taking care of them only for a few days), so Elio definitely gained some weight between the visit and the present day.

We’ll be visiting the vet next month, so I’ll see what she’ll have to say, but in the meantime I definitely want to make sure that they’re both eating what they should be.

by I_need_to_vent44

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