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Why is he like this… (don’t worry I knew he wouldn’t eat them)(also yes I eat pickles from the jar don’t judge >:/)

Why is he like this… (don’t worry I knew he wouldn’t eat them)(also yes I eat pickles from the jar don’t judge >:/)

Why is he like this… (don’t worry I knew he wouldn’t eat them)(also yes I eat pickles from the jar don’t judge >:/)
byu/ruebensrun1724 inBunnies

by ruebensrun1724


  1. SilentColoredHeart

    your lil dust brush is too cute! and, i drink pickle juice from the jar so you’re in good company XD

  2. CarrieChaotic87

    He goes from “Oooh, food!” to “Mama, what in the world is this?? It isn’t food!” so fast. 🤣❤️

  3. MathematicianGood204

    Aww. My boy had to investigate EVERYTHING I ate. He’d stick his head in my every cup or bowl or container.

  4. DirectlyTalkingToYou

    “What is this trash? Give me the good stuff!”

  5. ChesterDoesStuff

    Literally pressed against the wall trying to get away from them. This is so adorable

  6. We frequently offer our boy bunny things with cheese.

    He always takes a big stiff, stands there wide eyed and processes for a few seconds, and then has an exaggerated reaction and runs away lol

    Dude just hates cheese.

  7. bunnies are curious! also it is a crunchy food which is their fave!

  8. PizzaPlaceGirl

    One of ours likes alcohol 🫣 obviously we stop her but she’ll try and lick the rim of the glass etc. beer gin you name it 🤣

  9. Pink_Sylvie

    Poor baby 💔He thought it was something tasty and got disapointed. You owe him a treat for giving him a false joy. He is so so so cute ❤️

  10. awesomeaxolotls

    he’s so cute! what breed is he? is he an angora?

  11. Some_Random_Android

    Bnnuy: “Hoo-man, these aren’t nanners or strawberries! I thought I was very clear about the only kinds of food you were allowed to purchase are those kinds!” Also, that’s an ewok bun; so cute!

  12. Unsupportiveswan

    My buns all bug about the cheese cus the plastic wrap then get maaaad when i drop some theyre like ….. >:[ not leafs

  13. PaperAccomplished874

    Fuzzy floof. Cute mine do this too. So curious as soon as I get close with whatever I am.holding he goes ehhh upu can totally see face change. 😅🤣☝️😂😁😍🥰❤️💗💕❤️

  14. Tolstonian

    My bunny has stolen a pickle off my PLATE before I even sat down. I had to chase him down.
    At least he has good taste!

  15. SleeplessSummerville

    Your sweet lionhead baby wants to know why you ruined those perfectly good cucumbers!

  16. LegDayEveryDay

    Bun: Please sir, can I have some more? What do you got there hooman? Let me look!

    *OP shows the bun the pickles*

    *Bun inspects it and scurries into the corner*

    Bun: WHAT THE FLUFF IS DIS, HOOMAN!? Have you lost your mind!? Dis ain’t no food! Dis is some dark arts at work!

    *OP Brings it closer*


  17. bunnyminjun

    My rabbit won’t eat a carrot but he will try to take a sip of my energy drink 😭💀

  18. KittieChan28

    My boy Bourbon is the same… however, he WILL eat anything not nailed down. Cat food? Butter? Fingers? Yep, yep, and maybe if he isn’t being careful in his rush to vacuum up everything else 🙄 I’ve nicknamed him “my little hoover”. Thankfully I usually catch him before he gets more than a nibble tho. Otherwise dad be chasing his bum down 😆

  19. Environmental-River4

    Lmaoo I do the same thing with mine whenever he begs for cheese 😂 “I know you don’t want this…” *doesnt want

  20. hellbabyari

    showed this to my boyfriend and said “hehe bunny want pickle”. all of a sudden our little floof came SPRINTING in here. he might want pickle too

  21. bunny_the-2d_simp

    They gotta sniff if it poisonous for you human!

  22. marcus_frisbee

    Our little bun is always curious about what I am eating, sometimes she is pleased and get to share.

    Who doesn’t eat pickles out of the jar?

  23. North_Manager_8220

    Everytime I open the fridge I get attacked by two fluff balls. I have to show them what I have and inform them that it is human food 😅

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