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Soft flooring for enclosures

Hello everyone! First time poster, long time (if you can count a few days) lurker.

I have a question about soft flooring in enclosures. My lovely American Fuzzy Lop, Stormy (pictured here doing what he loves doing the most – sleeping) and his lady friend, my attitude-driven Havana, Ara, are 6 months old and 5 months old respectively. Both are superstars with their litter boxes but as soon as put a fleece covering over their rubber mat, they both immediately start peeing all over the fleece. I’ve washed the fleece in detergent, washed it in a mix of vinegar and baking soda, even completely replaced it and they still pee all over it. They seem quite content with just their rubber mat, and I’m fine with that if it comes down to it (super easy to clean if there’s an accident) but I was just curious if I was doing something wrong when introducing the fleece? Or maybe they just don’t like it?

For reference, Stormy is neutered and Ara will be spayed in September if that helps with anything.

Thanks in advance for any replies!

by ShardsOfDiamond

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