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Need to rehome my bun

Hello, I’ve been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and will need to start chemo next week. I spoke with my doctor and they suggest it’s best that I rehome my rabbit due to the fact I will not be physically well to care for him myself. My rabbit, Jon Snow is about 10 years old and has some health issues that the vet is trying to diagnose so he will need extra care. Is there any resources available that I can contact that could possibly help? I live in Columbus Ohio and will be trying to contact Ohio House rabbit rescue soon once they are open but I was wondering if there is are other organizations that are available to help. Jon is a really sweet and sassy boy I really love him so much but I don’t know if I can give him the best care right now especially with his ongoing health concerns that would require him to potentially on to multiple vet visits when I will also have to be hooked up for chemo.

by soapforsoap

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