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Help me figure out how to pick up my rescued rabbit without being bitten.

My daughter found a rabbit on the golf course a couple years ago. We think it was dumped so probably had some trauma. She’s been with us ever since. Free roams in the house, gets outdoor time in the backyard, will sit in my lap for petting, etc. Unfortunately she bites and attacks when she even suspects we are going to pick her up. I’d really like to take her to the vet regularly but I can’t figure out how to get her there. Any ideas? I’ve even tried wearing thick long sleeves and gloves, but she struggles and kicks so hard I’m afraid I’ll hurt her trying to keep her. Is there any way to calm her down enough to get her in a carrier?

Help me figure out how to pick up my rescued rabbit without being bitten.
byu/Scuttlebutt95 inRabbits

by Scuttlebutt95

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