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Temporary Separation


So my bunny, Stormy, sneezed a couple of times and had white discharge. I cleaned it up and called the emergency vet. She said since he was still eating and all, that it was something that could wait until Monday at the latest. If something changes, bring him in. He has not sneezed since and I’m keepint a watch on him. He is currently bonded with our girl, Sunny. I know to prevent infection it is best to keep him sort of away from her. We have them in the same room and are separated by an x pen across. Is this suitable for the time being to prevent infection? I don’t want to screw up their bond, but also would like to avoid her getting sick as well since she’s younger. FYI: Stormy is fixed, but Sunny isn’t old enough to be spayed.

by cb7loverrrrr

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