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Lionhead Rabbit

I take care of a male lionhead rabbit, he is about seven months old, however I have noticed some concerns. After doing some research, the average lionhead is 8-10 inches long and their ears aren’t supposed to be any bigger than 3.5 inches. My rabbit is about 14 inches, has a very little mane, ad hs ears tha are 4.5 inches. When i got him, i was only told he was a lionhead, but the had also told me the wrong gender, and had to find out myself that he was actually a male. This is my frst rabbit and i want to know if i should be too concerned as he doesn’t fit any measurements of his bunny breed. I have more pictures if this is not helpful. Another note, i got him when he was around 5 months, he has grown a lot since i have gotten him and i’m unsure if he will grow more. And in case the pen is in question, im trying to confine him a little to potty train him. Im new to being a bunny owner and he does get plenty of time outside of the pen.

by estellanoia

1 Comment

  1. estellanoia

    And about the mats that are taped together, I have yet to get a stepping stool for him, I try to get him as much as I can to support his needs each time I get paid, I haven’t gotten one yet, but I will. But if anyone also has any tips, I will take them.

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