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Recently bonded bun skittish of litter box after being charged

I recently bonded my free roam neutered male to a tripod spayed female. The female was found outside almost a year ago with a badly broken leg. It was amputated and she has been at the shelter since.

She is a bit skittish and takes a little bit to warm up to a change; like when I expanded their 4×4 pen to 6×4 it took her 8 hours to venture outside the previous 4×4 area of the pen.

All in all bonding has been great… love at first sight only some peeing and 1 charging incident which has cause this situation.

The male has assumed alpha and charged at her 1 time while he was sitting in the litter box. There was no biting or chasing and he was snuggling with her within mins after he charged.

However she is now sitting right outside the litter box to eat hay and do her business. I added a 2nd litter box and she is doing the same thing with that litter box on the opposite side of the pen where the charging incident occurred. I have her on camera getting in the litter box a few times during the past few nights but she doesn’t stay long before she hops right outside the box again. (Male isn’t charging her anymore when she is inside or right outside either litter box)

Any suggestions on what I can do to help her start getting back inside the litter box?

by Rayjessica2

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