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calling all bunny experts – i need your help. something is wrong with my bunny and i don’t know what to do

for background: I have had my bunny for five years, and I am very knowledgeable about bunnies. I have taken great care of her, she gets all of the things she needs, including being free roam, plenty of hay, leafy greens, etc. in the last year, she has been struggling a lot with her poop consistency. She has had a couple of episodes where she’s had either a blockage or isn’t seeming to like food as much. I’ve administered critical care to her multiple times and she usually takes it pretty well, and I’m able to get her back on track.

However, this isn’t the case right now. She won’t eat, she won’t drink water, she’s avoiding me or standoffish. She has no energy and is laying down in different spots of the house that she doesn’t normally go to.

The main factor I can think of that would be making her feel this way: I fostered a bunny for a month recently, I was thinking about bonding the two, but that was contingent on how the fostering went. I didn’t feel that the bunny I fostered was a good fit, however, I kept Luna (my bunny) separated from the foster bunny, where they could see and smell each other, but from their respective pens. The foster bunny was picked up by someone on Tuesday last week (08/06). My bunny (Luna) has been off since Saturday morning.

I can’t tell if I upset her with the foster bunny? I know you can’t separate a bonded pair, but what about a coexisting pair? Did I do something irreversible? I’m so worried because the laying around the house, putting her chin on the ground looking totally bummed out makes me fear something deeper is wrong than something a vet or supplements can fix. I have already spent close to a grand in vet bills since these tummy issues occurred back in May – July. I can’t afford to keep running to the vet and getting the smallest change or no change out of it.

Any advice or help is appreciated.

by Nice-Statistician948

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