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sleepy bunny or vet visit?

Hey you all!

I‘m not sure yet if I got a problem or not and I hope you can help me!

I‘m not living at my parents anymore but my sister send me videos of my bunny (hopefully) crazy chilling her life.
It’s been three days in a row that she went to feed them in the morning and my bunny was fully asleep, at least that’s what it looks like.

The other two are active and awake but my girl is sleeping like a kid that doesn’t want to go to school.
The reason why I’m asking is that what I know about bunnies is that they don’t sleep like we humans do but rather take lots of naps around the day and night but correct me if I’m wrong!

My sister said that she eats normally and after she wakes her up she‘s as active as the other two and hops around and chills exactly as the others in their outdoor area.

Maybe you all can help us.
Is my fluffy baby just a long sleeper or is she not okay and we should visit a vet?

I uploaded the latest video from today.

Thank you all so much in advance,
fluffy love from Germany ☀️🐰🫶🏼

sleepy bunny or vet visit?
byu/_leafylou_ inBunnies

by _leafylou_

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