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not eating hay?

hi, just came here to ask why my bunny has stopped eating his hay… he is eating other things ig fresh veg, pellets and also i give him hay bales that he has been eating too, but he hasnt touched his normal hay for a few days now which i worry isnt good… its weird because it is the same hay i always give him and he normally loves it and instantly goes to it, but the past two days has had no interest… if anyone has any ideas please let me know

by Unhappy-Professor-68


  1. Hot-Cardiologist3761

    Cut out the pellets and switch to a different hay. Rabbits, like people, can get bored of the same old food so changing it up now and then will keep them happy.

  2. Dancing_BananaBread

    Aw this happens from time to time with my bunny. But I know it’s because sometimes the quality of the hay is bad. I would love to buy the big barrels of fancy hay one day lol

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