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2 AM Emergency

This is my little boy Ziggy who is at the emergency vet. I’m so scared and feel so helpless as I have to wait for them overnight to conduct tests on him to confirm if/that he has head tilt.

I woke up to hearing him thrashing around on the wood floors as he was unable to get up. He kept rolling around even when I placed him on the carpet and suddenly knew something was ultra wrong and that it seemed like head tilt.

What’s crazy is that he had absolutely no signs when of it when I went to bed at around 11pm. He was eating normally, movement was normal and there was no discharge from his mouth or nose. I keep watching the two pet cameras I have and he only starts to show slight signs at 1:36am and I woke up to him at 1:49am. I’m just trying to make sense of it all and am wondering if in anyone’s experience with head tilt has it been so sudden/ extreme? Everything I’ve read about in the past made it seem like something that has clear signs and a more gradual increase in symptoms.

I’m mostly a crying mess and cannot sleep knowing he’s scared and alone at the vet. It breaks my heart having to leave him there, especially after seeing him and as I was leaving he was freaking out and trying to get out of his protective blanket burrito. 🥺

Also if anyone can share some realistic but hopeful examples of what recovery is like that would be appreciated as well.

by thatsamood26

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