Hi I’m so worried and anxious for my bunny and I’ve already looked up what it could possibly be and I’m so worried he’s got a serious problem with his digestive system. I can’t call the vets right now because it’s late, but please tell me what’s wrong because I want to make sure Google is right rn. I’m so worried for him and my anxiety needs answers now or soon or never if I don’t get one before calling the vets tomorrow morning.
He’s still drinking and eating a bit of hay and ate some lettuce, but he didnt touch his pellets.
by Arkaem25
He’s probably got a tummy ache from all those poos string together with hair but the ones with the mucous and the little diarrhea looking ones are very concerning. Bunny needs to see the vet first thing in the morning. How is he eating?
Edit: I’m tired and can’t read, keep encouraging him to eat whatever he will until morning and get to the vet asap.
watery greens would explain the runny, what type of hay/ grass? They should be monching on that all day. Vet is a good call. Something is up so maybe switch up the hay. Pellets and greens are supplement
we can’t diagnose your rabbit unfortunately (please leave that to the professionals), but i know what you’re going through and it sucks. the fact he is still drinking and eating is a good sign and is reassuring. i would make an appointment as soon as possible just to be sure as rabbits are very good at hiding things from us. keep an eye on him and note anything unusual.
i hope everything goes well and your bunny is okay ❤️
Take him to an emergency vet
Poops attached like that means your bun is ingesting too much hair from grooming. Make sure you brush your bun regularly, especially during times of moulting! A great brush is the hair buster comb. Make sure your bun is eating a lot of hay and drinking water so hair can move through the digestive system.
The logical question would be what is your bun bun’s diet consist of?
Take the bunny to a good exotic vet. ❤️
My thoughts are I would get him to a vet as soon as you can. It’s a good sign he’s eating and you want to encourage him to do so. The mucas in his poop is usually not a good sign. My buns may have a couple of poops “connected” by fur when they are going through a shed but your bun has several attached which could mean he’s ingesting a lot of fur. Is he going through a shed? Best thing is keep him eating the hay and drinking water. No treats, sweets, fruits etc. Romaine lettuce is ok but with the soft, runny poop it’s probably best to limit that. Keep encouraging him to eat the hay and drink his water. And it’s a whole lot better than him eating pellets right now. He needs fiber. Timothy hay is best, no alfalfa because that has calcium in it and can worsen matters if he has GI Stasis or a UTI. It’s great you’re keeping samples of his poop. That will help the vet diagnose his condition. Very important he continues to eat to keep his gut moving. Again, call your vet in the morning or go to an emergency clinic now if you feel that you shouldn’t wait. Bunnies have such delicate systems and hide things by nature so it’s better to be overly cautious than not. Hang in there and keep us posted. If he stops eating you can start giving him some Critical Care to keep him nourished and his gut moving. The directions will tell you how much to give him. If you don’t have any on hand, you can grind down the Timothy hay into a powdery form and mix with water, then feed by syringe every 3-4 hrs. And again, keep him hydrated. Be very careful when giving him water by syringe because you don’t want the water to go in his lungs. I hope this helps. ♥️
Mark as nsfw please
Need to groom your bun to prevent excessive fur ingestion that can hurt their stomach and possibly cause blockage. The mucus looking goo I’m not sure of can you call a vet tomorrow?
These look like caecotropes to me?
could this be megacolon? maybe you can ask your vet
Please take the vet asap, hope bun is OK x
Brush your bunny regularly everyday. And stop giving your bun wet lettuce. Dryed hay is the best choice for your bunny now💖 I hope he/she gets well soon💖
It looks like he could be ingesting his own fur so make sure you’re grooming him regularly. Also. I hope you’re not feeding him iceberg lettuce. Either way, visit a vet when you can
Vet ASAP, past story I heard regarding poo with slimy texture leads to quick death somehow
My girl had similar poops to this (the mucus ones) while she had an undiagnosed burst appendix. This may not be the case here but please get your bunny checked ASAP. The disease quickly became terminal for my young girl.
My rabbits sometimes also poop like that. Remove everything but hay and water and monitor it. If it stops eating and is less active, quick to the vet. It could be GI Stasis.
Maybe back off the greens some and groom your bun. Lent roller works pretty good and silicone glove helps loosen the fur up. I’m trying to train my rabbit to let me vacuum him which works better than anything when he lets me. lol he likes the vacuum on his back but won’t let me do his undercarriage. hehehe I don’t blame him I wouldn’t want a vacuum anywhere near my nuts either.
Hi everyone thank you for replying. Every exotic vet here was full but I think crying on call had onr pity me and schedule an emergency appointment later today. He had normal poop this morning when I woke up, but he hasn’t touched his hay a lot and that’s ujsual because he’s a chonky boy. I’m so worried for him but I’m glad I can still take him to a vet today. Your comments were really helpful, so thank you again! And im sorry if theres any typos my hands are shaking.
I’d definitely take the bun to the vet, especially because of that mucus
So if bunny is still eating and drinking, it’s concerning but not an absolute emergency YET. My vet said when poops start to look like this try a bit of maple flavored hairball gel (for cats) and monitor. Lots of hay for fiber and watery veggies for hydration. If no pooping/eating/drinking at all, then off to the vet.
Man you coulda spoilered this. Didn’t particularly wanna get a faceful of that on my feed lma
Sometimes runny poops can be from too many sweet treats like bananas, apples , carrots and berries .