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Bunny bonding

My last bunny Dani, loved us to death. When my husband would come in from work she’d run out and greet him. She always was under our feet in the kitchen or if we opened the fridge door ready to get herself some treat. She always wanted to be with us. She passed away and we have two other bunnies now. They do t hang out with us really at all. I brush them and we feed them. I open the door to their run in the morning and they stay in there. I guess they like it which makes me happy but why haven’t they bonded to us or want to hang out with us at all? They’re so stinking cute but they’re distant. Almost like cats. We are here to feed them and they’ll let us know when they want us, except they never do want us.

What can we do?

by mr_wy_man

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