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My rabbit just ate a small hot cheeto with spider webs on it!?!? Help!

I need help!! I was cleaning an old monitor that had a very small hot cheeto caught in a spider web attached to it and I wiped it up with a wet one and folded it inside. Threw it across the room towards the door gate and then put the monitor back under my bed and screwed the barrier back to block under the bed.

Anyways I turned around and saw her overtop the folded wet one and I quickly got her to move away and she had torn it open and eaten it!!

I’m scared! Idk what to do!!! I know rabbits can regurgitate or anything so she HAS to pass it but I’m afraid of what the spider webs or the OLD ass hot cheeto!!

Any advice is appreciated greatly! I’m giving her pellets to try and help push it through as fast as possible. And to be clear when I first got my bun bun 5 years ago she had eaten an entire hot chip once before that.

by LateNightThink

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