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Update on Willow

Willows doing much better! This morning she was back to normal, and even acting extra energetic! She was eating like normal, and i gave her some celery.
Thank you so much for all the help and support everyone! This was very scary to happen but we’re so happy it’s over.
I’m on vacation with my mom watching them (as of today), but when i said bye in the morning she was completely normal!

(Bonus willow pic!) i didn’t take a picture this morning, if i did i’d share!

by Fwoof3


  1. Individual-Echo6076

    Great news! Keep going Willow ❤️

  2. Master_Degree5730

    I also have a Willow! Way to go on your bun’s recovery 💕

  3. KiwiCuddler

    So glad she isn’t in that top floor of the castle! We know now for our girl if she’s there, she’s having tummy troubles!

  4. androidguy50

    It’s good to hear that she’s on the mend. 🤗

  5. Runaway2332

    Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! Whoooop whooooop whoooooop!!! I’m so thankful for the happy good news! She’s just so incredibly cute. 🥰

  6. trekrabbit

    Great news!! Willow looks a lot like my Butter💜💕

  7. Locksley_1989

    She looks like my Rosie’s twin! ❤️❤️

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