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The family rabbit picks on my mom. Why and how to fix it?

So my mom brought home a 2 month old male lop bunny that she mistakenly thought was female, as company for an adult lion head male, whose companion recently passed away. The lion head was very well-tempered and showed no hostility but the lop bunny regularly showed signs of aggression towards him and my mom every now and then. She thought it was jealousy.

4 months later, currently, even after the lion head passed away, the lop still showed signs of territorial aggression towards my mom(such as biting, not letting her clean his cage, biting her to move her even though he came onto HER bed etc.). Although he follows her around and occasionally lets her pet him for a few seconds, he tends to bite my mom unprovoked.
Note that this behavior is only directed towards my mom and not to other members of the family. He avoids my father and my brother and runs away whenever he sees them. The only person that he tolerates is me but I won’t be home starting from next week because I had only returned home for the summer.
Is it just territorial or is it something else?

What can we do to fix this? My mom has plans to neuter him since he’s 6 months old now, but she’s worried about the side effects such as growth stunt affecting his health. Are there any potential side effects?

Here’s a picture of that rabbit

by Conscious-Union-458

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