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I Could Cry Rn

Black Bunny (Male): Sunny
Tan Bunny (Female): Mari

Got these guys a month ago tomorrow as a bonded pair and they’ve both come so far. Sunny has been the one to warm up the fastest for sure, but these past few days, he’s been initiating interactions and been wanting me to pet him so much more.

Mari has been much slower to warm up and the amounts of times she’s let me pet her for even just 30 seconds is probably 2-4 times. She hangs around me and is curious, but I knew and know she is gonna be harder to win over.

But today, while I was laying down petting Sunny, she sandwiched herself in to get pets and hung out with me for about 10 minutes getting pets. (Well, I was splitting between the two, ha ha).

This feels like such a huge milestone with her. My heart is so full. I never expected that from her at all. Just been being patient and letting her come around at her own pace and oh my word 😭😭🩷 She is!!!

By the end of the 10 minutes, Sunny got up and nipped at my phone and dramatically laid directly in front of my face like “um I’m here too in case you forgot 🙄”. He’s not used to getting half my attention lol.

They both have their own quirks and personalities and I feel so beyond blessed to have them.

by opinionatedOptimist

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