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Cyclone thinks it’s worth it to get his feet and butt a bit wet to sit next to his gf

I woke up this morning to see Cyclone sitting in the water bowl (maybe like a cm of water left) all so he can sit next to Willow (don’t worry I pulled him out and dried him off and moved the bowl so he would have space)….last light poos were also taken care of lol

by kt_sc


  1. opinionatedOptimist

    🎶There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough…🎶

  2. LegDayEveryDay

    *Cyclone sees their gf*

    Cyclone: O-o-oh my…my goodness…is it me or is it getting hot in here…

    *Cyclone’s GF gets closer to Cyclone*

    *Cyclone gets nervous*

    *Cyclone’s GF gets right up close to Cylcone*

    Cyclone: Oh my!

    *Cyclone jumps into waterbowl*

  3. im_here_official_art

    he’ll do everything to be near his chonky girl friend <3

  4. I would lose my angora-loving mind, that is a *wilful* attempt at taking a shortcut to become a needle-felted bunny! How long did it take to dry and brush through? I bought a very expensive bowl in an indentation in a marble block just to stop my German angora getting as wet and felting, I thought her throwing the ceramic bowl and dipping neck fluff in was bad enough…

    Beautiful bun and yarn disaster menace!

  5. mmorales2270

    OMG, he’s like a big fluffy cotton ball! Just too cute!🥰

  6. Some_Random_Android

    Aw! Willow is lucky to have bun who would put himself through that for her!

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