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Why my bunny breaths like this?

My male bunny most of the time breaths like this, twitching his nose, like he breath fast i think. He do that after running or exploring the house, so i know that in those case is normal, but he also breath like this when he’s relaxed, so i’m a little worried. 3 days ago we went to the vet for the vaccine, he visited him and everything should be ok, but i forgot to mention this detail (I know, I’m stupid). i think that maybe could be also the heat, but, for example, now he’s doing that even next to his frozen bottle (that’s wrapped in a think blank, so he don’t get wet or stay next to too much cold). My other female bunny doesn’t do that. Maybe he suffer heat more than her?

Why my bunny breaths like this?
byu/ilGamerXD inBunnies

by ilGamerXD

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