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How can I improve her pen?

My parents got my younger brother (12) this 4 month old bunny without any prior research, which I thought was really careless. We all love her to death but I want to make sure I’m doing everything right to help her stay healthy.

She’s been with us for 1 week and is the sweetest thing. She’s comfortable with us petting her, though she doesn’t like to get picked up. We leave the cage inside the pen so that we can bring her inside the house at night without having to grab her. She just hops inside and we close the grate.

She has hay and fresh grass, a water bowl and bottle, (it’s bad to have a bottle, apparently? She does drink from both…) my brother cleans her cage everyday and feeds her a few pellets. She has both shade and sun and loves to nap in that big vase.

I’ve read and will re-read the sub’s FAQ, but I just wanted to know if anyone has any input as to what I can do to ensure she’s happy and healthy. Thanks yall.

by Pack_Black

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