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when you’re close to me, It’s heaven on earth

without you I don’t know what I’d do, my sweet baby boy, u have changed my life for the best, u brought hope and happiness into my life when I needed it the most, I’ve never felt so connected to an animal before until I met u.

u are my sunshine my only sunshine u make me happy when skies are grey my little cloudy my little baby, I promise to love u always and forever, from only being a baby when I met u, to growing ip into such a handsome adult, and into the future when u grow older I want to be by ur side no matter what happens I will never abandon you no matter in sickness or health I will devote my love and my life to u no matter the costs of anything I will make sure you’re taken care of I hope you can feel and understand my love towards u I hope u feel how much u mean to me

when you're close to me, It's heaven on earth
byu/FoxyDevilish inRabbits

by FoxyDevilish

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