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Nick and I finally moved out an aboosive household and now he’s living the dream!

We’re living in a college apartment and he’s here as an ESA. I still have to deal with my mom because I’m disabled so she takes me to the grocery store and still buys everything for me, but we don’t have to live with her anymore! (At least not till summer anyway)

I’ve been struggling a lot with my seizures since being here and being in and out of the ER but today I managed to completely clean Nick’s spot and most of my apartment! Spent hours sweeping and cloroxing EVERYTHING of his (containers, litter box, stacking cups, bowls, etc), then rinsing and hand drying it all. Then he got freeze dried bananas in his cups, a bowl of lettuce, and a cold bowl of water from our new water filter (the water here is nasty so he was living off of room temperature dasani for a while. set up the water filter today and he got the first bowl/glass of fresh, cold water!), plus a fresh litter box with plenty of hay.

I also finally made the move of putting his hay in a tote because oxbow machine presses their hay or smth so it’s so hard to get the hay out the bag 😭 but it’s sooo easy to feed him now, so I don’t have to delay feeding him and consequently feel guilty about it (it used to take me several minutes just to dig out a small amount of hay)

We moved out of my nasty bedroom, which I often had fly infestations because of my inability to change his litter, and the entire apartment is wood flooring so no more problems with ruining carpet and being unable to potty train him because he would pee on the carpet and the smell would never fully come out. Now if he pees somewhere it’s really easy to clean up. He also doesn’t have anymore preferred spots to defiantly refuse to use his litter box, so I’m really happy!!!

At first, Nick was really scared of the flooring but quickly overcame it and isn’t afraid anymore. He free roams our whole apartment as we don’t have any roommates. He hasn’t started chewing on anything he shouldn’t, and I’m so grateful for that.

My apartment is wheelchair accessible, and I have a walk-in (well, roll-in) closet, so Nick basically has an entire mansion. It’s also SOOOO much easier to clean up his area, as I can sweep the hay and don’t have to struggle to vacuum it out of the carpet. So his area can truly be clean, and not just “good enough”. His space is also pretty aesthetically pleasing for me. It just looks like it was made for him. He gets his own dedicated space, which gives him both privacy and yet keeps him close to me (I can see him from my bed, so I can keep an eye on him when I’m bedridden). Plus, I know he has plenty of space when I go out, and it’s easy to simply pull his x-pen to block him into the closet, which really beats his old setup.

I literally couldn’t think of any better living space for him, and I’m so proud that we made it. 2 years of feeling guilty of him living in a not-so-great place and being unable to properly care for him because of the environment, my disabilities, and no accessibility, is no more! Plus, I’m allowed to buy whatever groceries I want, so I don’t have to fight to ensure Nick has some sort of fresh veggie or fruit. He gets (almost) all the lettuce his heart desires.

My only problem right now is figuring out how to get him to the vet to have his nails clipped 🤔 hopefully I can make some friends here soon enough and pay someone to drive us. (My mom won’t do it because she said it’s “not her problem”🙄)

Sorry for the big, pointless, rant but I felt it was important to truly explain how perfect and lucky this space is for us! Plus I just enjoy showing off how spoiled and happy my baby is ♥️♥️

by Bunnyisdreaming

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