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Behaviour advice 15 weeks

So one of my bunnies, Apple, appears to me more outgoing than her sister Blossom. She’ll figure stuff out quickly, spot snacks first etc. Blossom follows her lead a bit. Apple is very tidy and used a litter tray from day 1, and grooms herself really well. Blossom took longer to get the hang of grooming. But it’s Apple that often grooms Blossom. Does this mean that Blossom is more dominant? I’d have thought it would be the other way round.

They are minilops with a bit of Rex mixed in, and I’ve also noticed they are mirroring each other’s ears, and while Apple’s are usually up and Blossom’s are usually down, they will often do a one-up-one-down helicopter thing so they match.

by Lost_Tiger9158

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